Core Values

11419MEXBannersA-a1v2SAFETY, INTEGRITY, CARING and GROWTH are the four core values of the Metal Exchange family of companies.

We lead with SAFETY because there’s nothing more important than the safety of our employees. For some organizations, safety is just a slogan, but for Metal Exchange, it’s the only way we do business.

INTEGRITY is at the core of all we do because our name is only as good as our word, and the way we do business is what sets us apart and what has led to our organization’s success since 1974.

CARING is a value we integrate in every aspect of work; our people, our customers, and our daily business. We will go the extra mile to ensure success.

Whether strategically growing our business or fostering the professional GROWTH of our people, we’re focused on the future.

Our Core Values are complemented by Metal Exchange’s “Dual Bottom Line” philosophy: Our commitment to achieving an equal balance between our drive for financial success and the well-being, development, and growth of our people.